A single bedroom furnished flat in an apartment building in the immediate vicinity of the sea. The flat is on the second floor, and the living area of 35 m2 comprises a kitchen with a living room, a bathroom and a bedroom with the entrance to the roofed-over balcony. The building itself is situated by the pine forest, an area where the further building construction is no longer permited and thus enables its residents to enjoy peaceful and quit surroundings.
Jednosoban stan u manjoj zgradi u neposrednoj blizini mora, orijentacije jug-zapad. Stan je opremljen i u odličnom stanju. Nalazi se na 2.katu, a 35 m2 obuhvaća kuhinju s dnevnim boravkom, kupatilo i spavaću sobu koja ima izlaz na natkriveni balkon na zapadnoj strani. Zgrada se nalazi uz borovu šumu koja je dio zelenog pojasa u kojem je zabranjena gradnja stoga je sigurno da će i dalje ostati u mirnom okruženju. Parking ispred zgrade.